Unlimited yachting
Anchor offers more than 10,000+ affordable yachting experiences across 75+ destinations like Florida, California, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Greece, Croatia and more. With YachtPass, you own the experiences... not the yacht.
Anchor offers the most affordable day charter and yacht charter vacations worldwide. With YachtPass, you'll access even deeper discounts.
10,000+ boats & yachts
Members get unprecedented access to a growing selection of yachts located in the top destinations across the globe.
Captains & Crews
Sail yourself or add a Captain. Anchor now offers "Captain optional" experiences where you can be the Captain or pick from a list when requried.
*Fuel may not be included in some experiences. Fuel may be an additional fee for some experiences.
YachtPass options
Annual subscription fee:
15% off on all day charters.
10% off on all multi-day charters
No black out dates
Unlimited charters
Access to 10,000+ yacht experiences worldwide
Dedicated Charter Expert Team to facilitate all bookings and optional add-ons
Captain & Crew included in all day charters
Flexible cancellation policy and free reschedules in case your plans change
Monthly subscription fee:
$2,500 - $5000/month
Earn +20% credit based on monthly fees. Apply credit to any experience worldwide.​
1 year obligation--billed quarterly
Includes all YachtPass Basic discounts when credits are low.
Rollover credits for bigger, better yachting experiences
Unlimited charters
Access to 10,000+ yacht experiences worldwide.
Dedicated Charter Expert Team to facilitate all bookings and optional add-ons
Captain & Crew included in all day charters
Flexible cancellation policy and free reschedules in case your plans change.
"We blow the competitors out of the water! Anchor's YachtPass is the most affordable yacht subscription on the market with the most comprehensive fleet."
(Yes, we are so confident that we send you to our competitor's website)
Claim based on South Florida Yacht Rental's Boat Club compared to Anchor's YachtPass.